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What are the setup fees and monthly costs involved?
Most webhostings charges a one time setup fee ranging from $9.95 to $49.95, depending on the size and type of webhosting package ordered. But no set up fee require for Netthailand  Webhosting. Monthly fees for service range from $9.95 to $429.95. The full rate charts for available hosting packages are shown on the Web Hosting pages.

How do I set up my email?
Netthailand web hosting clients can set up POP Accounts, Forwarders/Aliases, & Auto-Responders in the Web Browser Control Panel that comes with every Netthailand web hosting package. This can be done by yourself, and without any assistance from the Netthailand  staff.

How do I upload my files?
All Netthailand  web hosting packages allow the usage of FTP, Telnet, SSH, File Manager, MS FrontPage?, and other web development publishing programs, to upload files to your website.

Is there a trial period or money-back guarantee?
Netthailand  offers a full 30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked. If you are not happy for any reason, cancel your Netthailand service within 30 days of signup and your full setup fee and monthly costs will be refunded. The only exception to a refund, is if you violate Netthailand Terms of Service(TOS). Violations of the TOS usually are due to spamming, hacking, and illegal content.

How fast are websites set up?
Netthailand  strives for a setup time of no more than 6 hours per order. If an order is placed during normal business day hours, orders may be processed in only a few minutes. If an order is placed in the middle of a night, when the least amount of staff is on-site, orders may take slightly longer to process. Netthailand  is currently working on an order processing system that will allow for instant setups. This new system is expected for release March/April 2001.

Does my website get a control panel?
Yes. Every Netthailand  web hosting package comes with a web browser based control panel. The control panel includes many features including; email configurations, chat rooms, mailing lists, pre-installed cgi scripts, databases, chat rooms, and much, much, more... The Windows NT? account control panels run on a Red Hat? Linux backend, and feature email based features only. A demo of the control panel can be found here.

How am I billed?
Netthailand  invoices you via email. You can request a monthly statement via email as well, at any time. Hard copy invoices can be mailed for those resellers that request such. You will receive an invoice for each service/account order every month on the same day the service was ordered (if it is a monthly sevice). Special arrangements can be made for custom billing requirements. Netthailand  accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

How much assistance do you provide for my website?
Netthailand  will assist you with all support for services provided directly thru Netthailand . Netthailand will help you with basic settings for your email software and ftp client, as well as assist you with using the web browser control panel. Netthailand  is not responsible for teaching you how to use another company's products. Example: Netthailand will assist you with the settings for using MS Frontpage?, but we will not teach you how to actually use the product itself. You need to contact the software maker in such a situation, who provides tech support for how to use their product. Netthailand cannot even attempt to support all the thousands of software products on the market. Netthailand will attempt to provide some tech support for the most popular programs our clients use. Netthailand is not responsible for assisting with your own programs and cgi scripts. If you choose to install your own programs and cgi scripts on your site, you are responsible fully for installing them. Netthailand will provide support for any program or cgi script that we provide pre-installed with your web hosting package. Netthailand  is not responsible for designing, nor developing, your website, including HTML and/or images. Netthailand will attempt to give a quick look at your design/development problem, and offer a suggestion if it is a small issue. Anything complicated relating to design/development is not the responsibility of Netthailand 

What if the hardware fails?
Netthailand  stocks replacement parts for all servers. Netthailand is always building new servers for our shared hosting clients, as well as our dedicated server clients, so a full inventory of parts is maintained. Hardware failures are uncommon, but they do happen, and are a part of the hosting business. Netthailand repairs all failed hardware promptly, to minimize any downtime caused by such.

Are there any hidden costs?
No. All costs are stated plainly on our website. We do not hide fees in fineprint, or in our terms of service pages. The only costs that are commonly found to occur beyond your expected flat monthly rates per service, are those due to increased disk space or bandwidth usage. Pricing for such is plainly stated on our website. Netthailand very often will allow you to upgrade your packages to the next size up, should you see an increase in disk space levels or bandwidth usage for the current month, and not want to pay for such additional usage. Disk space usage and availablility, as well as estimated bandwidth usage, is available to you in the majority of the control panel versions included with the hosting packages.

What is Cpanel?? Do you have a Demo?
CPanel? is the brand name of the web browser control panel software that Netthailand utilizes on its web hosting packages. A demo of the control panel can be found here.

What happens if I decide to leave Netthailand?
You are free to leave at any time. Your Netthailand services are on a month to month basis, without any required contract. All advance payments will be refunded if you decide to leave.

Is there a discount if I pre-pay for several months in advance?
Netthailand offers very special disccount for all yearly advanced payments.

May I have some examples of some sites hosted by you?
Netthailand  makes a sample client page available to the public on it's website. This page has examples of virtual hosting, dedicated server, co-location, and reseller clients available.

Does my website have their own IP number or is it shared?
Netthailand webhosting servers have the ability to utilize IP based, or IPless, virtual hosting configurations.

What type of support do you offer? Average Response Time?
Netthailand offers support to our clients email, ICQ and; website . A pager number is also available for dedicated server clientele. We strive for response times of no more than a few hours. Response times of just a few minutes are quite common during normal business hours. Netthailand has recently implemented a web based support ticket system, which integrates all incoming support email into it. The ticket system tracks support inquires by "time waiting" for reponse from the support dept. The Netthailand administration carefully monitors that the Netthailand support staff maintains a fast response time, with courteous and helpful service.

What are the hardware specs of the servers?
Every server at Netthailand has different specifications. Whenever a server reaches what we feel to be the limit, another server is built. Netthailand is constantly upgrading the server hardware on our network. If more drive space, memory, or faster processors are needed, they are added in at that time. The average shared server is a dual processor system, with 512-1024MB RAM, and 160mbps SCSI hard drive(s). Windows NT? shared servers traditionally also run RAID configurations. All Netthailand servers run spare hard drives for backup requirements.

Can I have adult content on my website?
Netthailand does not host adult sites on the same servers as normal hosting sites. Netthailand has a seperate division,

May I view your Terms Of Service?
The Netthailand terms of service (TOS), including policy and service guidelines, are available online at: policy.

How long have you been in business?
The company has been in Telecom business since June 1, 1991. The company started as a retail store, then branched out as a distributor in the mid 1990's. The data center located in the State of Pennsylvania, USA. Worldwebnow, Inc.? entered the web hosting industry in December 1999.

Do you support International domain names and clients?
Netthailand can host all international domains on its servers. Netthailand can accept foreign clientele, just please be advised that all correspondance must be conducted in English. The client is responsible for handling the registration process of foreign domain name(s). This must be pointed to nameservers on the Netthailand network as assigned, or you can use other nameservers and route the domain name to the IP address you are assigned. Netthailand cannot handle the foreign domain registration process for you, due to the fact that we do not speak all of the potential foreign languages that may be involved. Netthailand will assist you however, with any technical information need to accomplish this.

How do I transfer my domain name?
Netthailand will attempt to file the necessary electronic forms for your domain name transfer with InterNIC. If Netthailand is unable to file such with your specific domain name registrar, Netthailand will send you instructions on how to do such yourself, including all necessary technical details. Clients may opt to not have Netthailand handle the domain name transfer, or to delay doing such, as an option on the web hosting order form required for signup.

What if my site breaks your "acceptable usage policy" rules?
Users' sites may be suspended for violations of policy, or if extreme, or second time offenders, sites may be cancelled. Each occurance is dealt with on a case by case basis, and we try to work things out with every client. Notifications will be sent, if Netthailand takes any action on your account.

What if I want to upgrade my website?
You may upgrade or downgrade your Netthailand web hosting package at any time. You will be required to pay the difference in the setup fee for your current plan, and the plan you are upgrading to, should you decide to choose a larger plan. You will then pay the new monthly fee for the new account package that you select. Transfers between operating systems (ie..Linux to Windows NT?) will require a full setup fee to be paid again.

Can I visit the Netthailand Data Center?
Netthailand allows dedicated server and co-location clients ONLY to visit the Netthailand Data Center. Visits to the Netthailand Data Center are by appointment only, and arranged for a mutually convenient time for both the client and Netthailand staff. There is an international airport 10 minutes from the Netthailand Data Center. The Netthailand Data Center is directly off of the US Route 81 Super Highway.

How is my website monitored?
Netthailand maintains internal and external monitoring systems for every server in the Netthailand Data Center. The servers are checked every 5 minutes via network monitoring software. Netthailand monitors uptime as well as individual features and services running on each server. Netthailand taff is notified via alarms, email, screen popups, and paging, if a problem occurs.

What is the uptime?
Netthailand strives to maintain a 99.5% network and server uptime service level. This uptime percentage is a monthly figure, and does not include any scheduled hardware/software upgrades, nor "Acts of God". Our definition of "Act of God" includes; fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, telco fiber issues (ie...Verizon? cutting a fiber line somewhere), backbone peering point issues (ie...UUnet? having a router go down in Virginia that wipes out internet service for the entire East Coast), hard drive failure (faulty hardware is rare, but cannot be predicted nor avoided), as well as network floods, hacks, and attacks. If Netthailand fails to meet it's 99.5% uptime guarantee, and it is not due to one of the above reasons, partial downtime credits will be made available to each client, upon request, on a case by case basis. Netthailand does not credit a full month's service if we only have 99.4% uptime. This would not be financially healthy for Worldwebnow, and in turn would only negatively affect the service level Netthailand provides to you. "Partial refunds for partial downtime" is our standard policy.

Do you have a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
The Netthailand terms of service (TOS), including policy and service guidelines, are available online at: policy.

What is your connectivity to the Internet?
The Network Operations Center is connected via a fiber connection to our backbone provider. Worldwebnow utilizes a DS3, running at 45mbps thru Sprint?. A 2nd DS3, thru AT&T?, Broadwing?, Cable & Wireless?, or Global Crossing?, is being planned for installation in May/June 2001, for redundancy. A third DS3, or an OC3, is being planned before the end of 2001. After this, Netthailand will then be peering (sharing capacity) with major backbones, to exchange connectivity. The connection will run BGP4 (border gateway routing protocol) & SONET to maintain the speed and uptime. If one backbone line goes down, it will balance the load to the others. If one line gets congested, it will load balance the traffic. SONET technology is a high capacity, 100% fiber optic network deployed in a ring topology with a working, or "hot," path carrying data in one direction and a standby, or protect, path transmitting in the opposite direction around the ring. In the event of a fiber cut or service degradation, SONET equipment at the edge of each failing fiber segment isolates the failure and uses both working and standby fibers to create a new temporary ring. All of this happens within 50 milliseconds.

Do you have battery backups and generators?
Our Network Operations Center is backed up and protected by UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems. In a very rare case of utility outages, our auto-start generators start automatically, taking over for the UPS system and supplying all necessary power for our Network Operations Center. APC?, Tripp-Lite?, & Liebert? UPS Systems provide the power backups, along with Kohler? generator systems.

What kind of security does the Netthailand Data Center have?
The Netthailand Data Center in Scranton, PA USA is a high security facility. Double metal security doors, with interior gating, protect the main entrance to the facility. The windows-less facility has advanced security, fire, temperature, and flood alarms, directly piped into the Security Monitoring Company via phone, cellular, and internet connections. A Scranton Police Station is less than two blocks away, and a Fire Station less than six blocks. A 16-camera digital video system monitors the interior and exterior of the Data Center. This video system is monitored internally at the facility and externally from the Netthailand Sales/Support office. The video data is recorded live both on and off site, and stored for several months ahead. Visitors cannot gain access into the faclity without employee escort. The physical servers and equipment area is secured from the visitor's area by huge metal doors, as well as metal sheeting and bulletproof glass walls. Armed guards are planned for the future, but not a necessity at this junction.

What about software upgrades?
Netthailand handles all software upgrades/patches on the shared hosting servers. We fully follow all trends in the industry, and monitor all support/bug announcement groups. If a new bug or security vulnerability is found, Netthailand immediately upgrades our systems. Microsoft? regularly release patches for the Windows? based systems, and Netthailand auto-updates the Linux systems every night from security patch websites. As new software is released, including new versions of operating systems, Netthailand evaluates the new software. If the software's new version does not have any security issues, or bug problems, the upgrade is implemented.

What if the server my website is on gets hacked or attacked?
Individually hacked websites are rare. If such occurs, usually they are a target for a reason; hate sites, pirated software, etc... Netthailand does not host such websites. If such materal is found on a Netthailand server, it is deleted immediately and the user's account cancelled. Usually the target is the whole server itself. Hackers usually go after a server just to say that "they did", or to use the server to bounce off of to hack something more important. Rarely are any users' files on the server damaged, erased, or modified. For this reason, once a hacker is detected, a server can usually be cleaned up and the hacker locked back out within a matter of hours. At that time the server is restored to full security levels, as if the hack has never occurred. Most hackers get into a system thru valid user accounts. We recommend you use complicated passwords for your account. Netthailand strictly reviews all orders for new clients, to make sure they are legitimate. Unfortunately, some fake orders do get thru the system, and that is one way a hacker can gain initial access. Netthailand runs security checks on the servers daily, so even if a hacker does get in, they are found and dealt with quickly. Most hackers are not malicious, they are just playing or testing their abilities. If an individual attacks the whole Worldwebnow Data Center, measures are in place to cut off such floods and attacks automatically at the backbone level and the router level. Netthailand  also uses firewall technology to fend off most common methods of flooding and attacks to the network.

How is extra bandwidth billed?
Netthailand maintains software on every server and on the switches to monitor individual website usage and server-wide usage. Bandwidth is billed per Gigabyte (GB) over your monthly allocation, rounded up to the nearest Gigabyte. Usually between the 3rd and 5th of the month you will receive your bandwidth overage billing, if applicable, for the preceding month's usage.

What is included in my website package?
Netthailand provides full hardware, software, support, and system administration for your Netthailand shared hosting solution. The software provided includes the operating system, ftp & email software, web server software, and a control panel. Netthailand even includes free e-commerce shopping cart software. Everything you need to conduct business on the Internet, or maintain a personal website, is included in your Netthailand hosting solution. Netthailand will provide basic support on services/software that we provide you with your account. Worldwebnow does not develop your website for you, nor provide tech support on how to use software products that we do not provide to your directly...even if we do support them. We are always more than willing to help you if we can though with external issues, time permitting...

How many sites are currently running on per server?
Netthailand does not have a set quantity of domains running on each machine. We find that ten domains can utilize more resources than 200 others. Netthailand  monitors each server's performance levels and attempts to maintain a low server load average and high cpu availability. As needed, Netthailand will upgrade the hardware, to increase server performance. Individual domains that become to much for the server to handle, and utilize too much server resources, are moved to servers set up specifically for such resource intensive accounts. The only acception to this, are the "Max" hosting packages, which guarantee a maximum of 25 sites per machine.

Can I host more than one domain name per account?
Netthailand charges additional fees for every extra domain name you point to your account. For a domain name that is parked on top of your main domain name, the cost is a $25 one time setup fee. You may use an index.cgi script, to redirect from that domain name to a sub-directory at no additional charge. Netthailand charges a $25 setup fee, and $5.00 monthly for every additional domain name parked to a sub-directory. Each additional domain name parked on top, or to a sub-directory, receives one catch-all email POP account or forwarder for all mail to that domain name. Parked domain names do not receive a control panel of their own. Netthailand usually recommends the very inexpensive "Mini Linux" accounts ($9.95 monthly) instead, due to the fact that they come with their own control panel functionality.

What if I want to upgrade to a dedicated server in the future?
Not a problem. Netthailand will assist you in setting up the site(s) on your dedicated server, and help you transfer all the files over as well. It can be a very simple procedure, with minimal downtime. Netthailand will leave the shared server accounts active while the transfer is occuring, until dns properly clears up, and you are satisfied that your site(s) are functioning perfectly on the new dedicated server.

Why should I choose Netthailand as my webhost?
Simple. Netthailand is one of the oldest web hosting companies in the industry, being founded a decade ago, all the way back on June 1st 1991. With most hosting companies being started in the past 2-3 years, Netthailand has an edge over the competition; Specializing in web hosting since 1996. Netthailand maintains one of the most feature rich hosting packages on the market, so advanced that many hosting companies cannot compete. Netthailand was one of the first hosting companies in the industry to offer technical support via ICQ as well as to offer high bandwidth packages (20GB+ per month) to the general public. Netthailand  offers Cpanel? & WebHostManager? on it's packages, the premier software in the business. It should be noted that the lead developer of the Cpanel? software, J. Nick Koston, is a Netthailand employee. Netthailand is one of the few hosting companies that actually owns its own data center. Most hosting companies, our competitors, co-locate their boxes at data centers that they do not own. Netthailand offers a 30 day full money back guarantee for new clients that sign up...so you really cannot loose by selecting Netthailand . Netthailand has won several awards for providing some of the most complete hosting packages and support levels available.

How do I get started?
Simple! Just fill out one form....the Secure New Account Order form! You will receive details shortly afterwards about how to proceed with your new Netthailand  Web Hosting Account!


Copyright 2001 by www.netthailand.com